Friday 20 March 2009

Regiments & Corps OF SLA

Since most of DR readers do not have a general idea of the organization of the military including the heirachy and the formation of the army divisions and after considering the ideas of our viewers DR thought of posting a series of posts describing every aspect of SLA from today onwards. In this post an introduction is given to all the Regiments & Corps Of SLA.

* Sri Lanka Armoured Corps (SLAC)

* Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA)

* Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE)

* Sri Lanka Signals Corps (SLSC)

* Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI)

* Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR)

* Gemunu Watch (GW)

* Gajaba Regiment (GR)

* Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR)

* Mechanized Infantry Regiment

* President's Guard]

* Commando Regiment (CR)

* Special Forces Regiment (SF)

* Military Intelligence Corps

* Engineer Services Regiment

* Sri Lanka Army Service Corps

* Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps

* Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps

* Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

* Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police

* Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps

* Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps

* Sri Lanka Rifle Corps

* Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps

* Sri Lanka National Guard

Saturday 14 March 2009

Killers OF SLAF Wings Were Found Buried In PTK

SLA has recovered 13 anti-aircraft missile launchers buried in empty oil tanks.It was like a book of history since he weapons included all the damages done y it marked itself on the body of it.It includes name,place,Time,Date and the category of the aircraft it destroyed.All the details found from them are included in a table as shown below for the ease of all the DR readers...

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Tiger Infiltration Attempt Is Partially Successful........

SLA faced few set backs dring the past few days of the weekend amids many victories, the Tigers led by Lawrence, launched a daring counter attack on the FDL of the 58th, the attack was partially successful as the SLA suffered around 70KIA and 250 injured in the heavy fighting raged outskirts of PTK. Heavy fighting is still going on, the LTTE for its part suffered around 200KIA (Lawrence believed to be among these victims) with a further 200 injured.
Around 600 hardcore LTTE cadres infiltrated the FDL of the Army's 58 Division from the general area Puthukudirippu North. A group of around 200 cadres who attempted to flank the 55 and 58 were massacred by 3 Special Forces and 2 Commandos after the 55 Division spotted them early on.
However, around 50 specially trained “DPU” cadres managed infiltrate the cleared areas. The 58th division would have been decimated had it not been for the timely arrival of Special Forces and 57th reinforcements who managed to pacify the counter attack, they could not stop the infiltration attempt entirely though – the Tigers know the terrain better.
Yesterday a team of Tigers from the infiltration team captured an Army Artillery Gun Position and destroyed 3 130mm canons after turning the guns against the SLA. The Tigers had infiltrated 10-12km into SLA dominated areas to capture the position, which is situated near the former IDP camp in Kilinochchi where a woman suicide bomber blew herself up some time ago.
Self styled LTTE “Colonel” Lawrence has been killed by the Special Forces that came into the aid of the 58th division when a group of hardcore Tiger cadres breached the 58th FDL north of Puthukuduriyuppu. Military Intelligence officers from Colombo who are at the scene are trying to positively confirm his identity as his dead body is believed to be among the 112 bodies so far recovered by the 58th. Lawrence was one of the most talented commanders of the LTTE and in the past has led many successful offensive and DPU missions against the SLA, the death of Lawrence is a big loss to the LTTE. Unconfirmed reports state that another self style “Colonel” Sornam has died in fighting in PTK.Special forces of SLA are now hunting down the infiltrators...

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Suicide Blast In Akurassa,(Matara)

14 people were killed and 44 others received injuries in a suicide bomb explosion at Godapitiya Jumma Masjid mosque, Akuressa this morning (10 march).Minister Mahinda Wijesekara is critically injured and undergoing a surgery in the colombo national hospial. Ministers Pandu Bandaranayake, A. H. M. Fowsie and Mahinda Yapa Abewardhana were also received minor injuries.
Chairman of Devundara Pradeshiya Sabha Linton Abedheera, Vice Chairman of Akuressa Pradeshiya Sabha and Thilak Weerasekara, Private Secretary of Minister Chandrasiri Gajadheera are also among the 14 people who are dead.

Suicide bomber had attacked from the rear side of the ministers motorcade as they were getting down the vehicles at the entrance of the mosque to take part in the function held there. The suicide bomber had arrived at the place on a pushbike and exploded himself among the Islamic devotees proceeding to the mosque in a procession. The body of the suiside carder has charred beyond recognition.

A specialist medical team and emergency medical equipments have been dispatched to Matara by air on the instructions of the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

Heavy Fighting In South of Chalai

Heavy fighting ensued south of Chalai in general area Mulaitivu when a wave of LTTE infiltrators and attack teams targeted a weak point in the forward marching divisions last morning. The infiltrators were first spotted by the 55 Division as they targeted the boundary of two brigades of the 55 and 58 Divisions.
At least aout 200 terrorists were killed, as many wounded and over 100 LTTE bodies were recovered by Sri Lankan security forces, following heavy fighting that broke out between troops and LTTE since last Thursday (March 5), at the Mullaittivu battlefront South of Chalai and Palamathalan. The 55 Division, 58 Division including Special Force (SF) and Commando troops were pushed o their limits to neutralized the LTTE offensive waves. SLA also manage to recover a large haul of weapons.
Heavy fighting broke out between troops and LTTE when terrorists made a desperate attempt to breach the military defence positions using their best reserved hardcore carders.Advancing from South of Chalai along the Pudumathalan coastal stretch. LTTE had made the infiltration move, mainly taking advantage of the lull of military retaliation; a strict policy adhered by the troops following the declaration of the No Fire Zone.
According to availale sources, Lawrence, Swarnam and a few other senior LTTE terrorists have command and coordinated the LTTE infiltration attempt. Meanwhile a body of a Ltte leader (believed to be lawrance) was also recovered by the SLA.However this is not yet confirmed.